Thursday, April 14, 2011


I have been meaning to get this post up for a while, but I just haven't done it.  So, in order not to get into any more trouble by my friend Mindy (remember, she gives me a hard time about the length between my posts), I decided I better get this up TODAY!!!!

So, here it is.....

I grew up in Texas, but the majority of my family lives in Oklahoma.  In fact, when I was younger, my cousins would tease me about sounding like a "Texan."  At the time, I HATED that! I wanted to be an Okie with all my cousins. (I've since come to appreciate my Texas roots and twang!)

That being said, I wasn't able to form the close bonds with many of my cousins as I would have liked to.  Trust me, I have a BIG family.  We would go to OK for vacations (in the summer, I think our car knew how to get to my Aunt Pat's on auto pilot), for weddings, family reunions and of course, funerals. I LOVE family reunions. We always had a wonderful time and I loved hanging out with them.  We would visit as much as possible into those days. I'm very blessed with my family and thanks to Facebook, email, etc, I'm now able to develop closer relationships with them and that is AWESOME!!

I recently lost two great aunts in the space of two days.  My Aunt Jo,  was the twin sister of my dad's mom. I will always remember her looking so eloquent!  She had a head full of beautiful white hair and there was never a hair out of place.  When my mom passed away, she came up to me, gave me a big hug and told me she loved me and she loved my mom.  Technically, my mom was her niece-in-law, but she always treated her like a niece.

One of my cousins, Karrah (she was one of many grandchildren to my Aunt Jo), created a youtube video and it is amazing.  I asked Karrah if it would be ok to post it here and she said yes.

My other Aunt that passed away was my Aunt Bettye.  She was the sister of my mom's dad.  On my mom's side of the family, we would get together every year on Memorial Day and place flowers on the graves.  It was a big family get together and after going to the cemeteries, we would have a family reunion.  It was a very special time for me because I would hear stories of family members that I never had the opportunity to meet.

I just wanted to share a little bit of my amazing family with you!  I hope you enjoy!


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