Thursday, March 10, 2011

Things I learned from my mom!

Today is my mom's birthday!  She would have been 70.  There isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss her, but I am SO incredibly thankful that I am her daughter.  She was a spitfire (Kimmy, thanks for that word!) and she was probably the strongest woman I've ever known. 

She went through a lot in her life, but she still lived with a smile and a laugh in her heart. 

That said, she was also ornery! I was lucky enough to go to a high school reunion with her (OK cousins, do you remember that...it was my freshman year at Tech) and I learned a lot about her (most of it she probably wished I hadn't!) Here are a few of the highlights...

1) Apparently, I look a LOT like her.  I've never had so many people walk up to me and ask if I was related to Charlotte Gosney.  I would tell them yes, I'm her daughter and their response, "Boy, do I have a story to tell you!"  Funny thing, I didn't hear the same story twice! ;-)

2) When my mom was in high school, she and the rest of the basketball team decided to ditch school to drive to Tulsa.  On the way to Tulsa, they picked up a hitchhiker and drove him to the other side of Tulsa.  Yeah, she would have knocked me into next week if I had even thought of doing that!

3) She was the basketball queen, homecoming queen and a bunch of other stuff.  I told her once that I was so jealous of all that stuff and her reply, "Don't be sissy, when you only have 6 other girls in your class, you just take turns!" (That totally cracked me up!)

4) One story I heard was the for Halloween, she and her friends would go "tipping."  What is "tipping" you ask....well, it was knocking over outhouses!  My mom...the rebel!

Here are some other things about my mom....

1) She was a tomboy!

2) She knew more about the oilfield than a lot of the men she worked with.

3) She had a GREAT laugh and a GREAT smile!

4) I learned very quickly not to brag that her spankings didn't hurt.  I did that once and the next spanking I got, she reminded me of that.  Yeah, not a fun time!

5) She HATED dresses!!!

6) She smoked like a freight train, but she did quit!  I was so proud of her!!!

7) She could cuss with the best of them! ;-) 

I could go on and on, but I'll save some more for another post!!

1 comment:

  1. Paulette,
    I didn't get to meet your mom, but having not even met her, I KNOW she was a WONDERFUL AND LOVING PERSON because daughters are the reflections of their mothers! I feel sure that your mom was always so proud of you because of the young woman that you are--loving, caring, compassionate, and always there for the ones who need you, no matter whether it's a long-time friend or a recent acquaintance--your heart has no boundaries! God has blessed you with many, many beautiful things in your life, most especially our little Drew! May God continue to bless you richly and deeply as you carry on your mother's precious memory by living your life to the fullest and by being her sweet little "spit fire!" I love you bunches!!--Brenda
