Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Home makeover

I have slowly been working on my house for the past two years.  My friends, Mindy and Brenda came over on Monday and we did a LOT of work on my house.  I am trying to take advantage of my time off and to keep busy while Drew is in Montant (BTW, his adventure there is going to be another blog post!).

I had already done a couple of things.  Also, thanks to some great friends, I got an amazing deal on a couple pieces of new furntiture.  I got a new entertainment center/tv/armoire for my house.  The entertainment center is what I have always wanted....I can close it up and hide the electronics.

Isn't it AWESOME!!!!!

I moved my old entertainment center to Drew's playroom and I also moved the Wii into that room.  That way, he can play anytime he wants to.

Well, on Monday, Mindy, Brenda and I CLEANED, organized and arranged.  Here are some pics....

Drew's room...before

Drew's room after!

My living room.....I LOVE this wall...thanks, Mindy.

My other favorite wall....my cross wall!

Here is the armoire that my friend gave me.  I LOVE IT!!!

Well, that's the update for now.  It feels great getting all of this accomplished!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Today is Christmas.  It is such an awesome and amazing day, although, this year, it does feel a little different. 

Drew is in Montana with his daddy and he left yesterday morning.  We had our Christmas early and we've had a blast at my brother's house with the family.  I know Drew is having a blast in Montana with all his cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles and all the SNOW!! 

Yesterday, I couldn't stop thinking about how this was going to be my first Christmas without Drew.  I know it's not going to be the last and honestly, I know it is a day that we can celebrate anytime, but it is still different.  My family (my brother, sis-in-law, nephews, dad, and two aunts) started taking pictures last night before we went to church.  I didn't feel right about getting in the family picture since Drew wasn't here.  I know I'm going to be seeing him in 14 days, but I still didn't want to get in that picture.  I know that was probably crazy and I know I will probably change my mind in the future, but yesterday, it just didn't feel right to me.

Last night as I was trying to go to sleep, it dawned on me how fortunate I am.  Drew is not oversees, he isn't in harms way defending our freedom, he is simply with his daddy and his cousins.  I thought about all the mom's whose children are serving our country, serving on a mission trip or even those who have children already in heaven.  I thought, how do they deal with Christmas?  In fact, how do they handle day to day life?  It made me realize that I was feeling sorry for myself and I was forgetting all that I had to be thankful for.

So, to all of you , I'm wishing you a very Blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Drew is going to be going to Montana with his dad for Christmas and this will be the first Christmas that he isn't with me. I feel like I have a split personality when it comes to this. On the one hand, I'm thrilled that Drew is having this opportunity. My former mother-in-law, is not doing well and I am thankful that she will be able to spend Christmas with Drew and that Drew will get to see her and the rest of the Butterworth clan. Drew wouldn't be in my life if it wasn't for her and her husband.

She has always treated me like a daughter and I love her dearly.

On the other hand, this is the reality of being divorced. You split holidays. I know it is really just a day and you can celebrate it when you want to/are able to, but still, it's the first holiday that Drew will be away from me. I know it won't be the last, but still.......

Friday, December 3, 2010

New Banner...

My friend, Mindy created this for me to use as my Christmas Card this year. I just LOVE it!!!! I decided I would make it my banner for the blog. She also took the pictures. I keep telling her that I'll be able to say that Drew and I were some of her first photo clients when she gets famous!!

Mindy has also been helping me "re-do" my house. Nothing fancy, but I've been rearranging pictures and getting rid of some excess stuff I have. It's amazing how changing a few things can really make a big impact on your house. I'll take pictures and post them. I'm SO excited to see things taking shape.

Monday, November 8, 2010


I've discovered something about myself, the moment I get money, I think I need to spend it right then!!! I'm not really good with this whole budget thing. Dave Ramsey would kick my butt! Maybe that is what I need. ;-) I read an article and the author mentioned that when she finally got some money, she realized that she spent half of it in less than an hour. Why is it that I do so well at the end of the month when I'm broke, but at the first of the month, I think I have to get everything right then and there??

As I've been thinking of budgeting and Dave Ramsey, I started to think of one of his phrases, "why keep up with the Jones', they are broke!" I have such a thing about worrying what people think of me/my house/etc, that I can literally make myself sick about it. WHY DO I DO THIS???? What random people think isn't going to impact my life in anyway what-so-ever!

My son is healthy, I have a roof over our heads, we are fortunate to have two dogs that we love and that provide us with amusement. Also, I can take my child to the dr when he needs to go and I can get him the medicine he needs if/when he needs it.

I have amazing friends who are helping me take care of things around my house and pitching in and watching Drew for me when I need it.

I need to stop thinking/worrying about the things I don't have and count the blessing for all that I do have!!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Challenge

Howdy! I've been working and working on getting my spending under control and I've been using E-mealz, to help with my menu planning. It is so easy/tempting to just grab something quick and easy after I pick up Drew. I mean, working all day, picking up Drew, taking him to soccer practice/&/or going home and doing all the things we need to do (sign his folder, read, work on homework...yes, my 6 year old has homework, take a bath, etc), fixing dinner is really the last thing I want to worry about.

Anyway, E-mealz has really been helping me. They give you a week's menu and also provide you a shopping list. Usually, my meal for two for the week costs me less than $50 and I'm LOVING that!! I keep thinking I'm the little engine, "I think I can, I think I can..." I just keep repeating that to myself over and over.

While that project is going on, I'm also attempting to work on some other projects, within myself. I'm working out and trying to just "get out there!" Not dating or anything, just expanding my life a little beyond mommyhood. The thing is, I'm SCARED to death about that! I think I would rather work on my budget.

Anyway, that being said, I read an article today that really made me stop and think. I've started following prodigaljohn on tweeter and his website is Stuff Christians Like. He has a really neat way of talking and explaining things. He posted an article titled, "Ignoring the Soundtrack" and it's all about how doubt comes in and attempts to be the sound track to your life. It's a neat way at looking at things. Also, I know that reading that was one of God's ways to say, "I KNOW you can!"

Take care!

Monday, October 11, 2010


I have the greatest friends. I've been truly blessed with my friends and my family. My friend, Mindy, is watching my son today because he is out of school...Columbus Day. So, he's hanging out with her and her hubby, Jeff (Drew adores both of them!) Mindy snapped this picture of the boys and I just had to share...
Aren't they adorable! Thanks a ton, Mindy for helping me out! You guys ROCK and I love you dearly.

I've also been having some car issues. Well, the one shop I took it too told me it was going to be about $700 to fix everything...I don't have $700 laying around right now. Luckily, my buddy Karen talked to her hubby, Keith about it and he is sending me to another shop. Plus, he told me at this moment, don't stress about it. It's great having people who can help you out.

See, I have the greatest friends!!!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Stepping up to the challenge...

I've been struggling with creating and sticking to my budget. It seems that I always have more money coming out than I do coming in (as Dave Ramsey would say, I have more month left at the end of the money!). I know, I'm not alone in that feeling. Well, one of the bloggers I follow, Spuds, set up a challenge for his readers and being the person I am, I've stepped up to that challenge.

Basically, he is challenging people to reduce their budgeted grocery amount and give more to a food bank. That is a great idea and this might be the kick in the pants that I need to get motivated. So, in order to achieve this goal, I've signed up for E-MEALZ. This is a great sight that gives you menu plans and approximately how much it's going to cost. I've signed up for the family of 2 and today will be my first shopping trip.

So, I'm stepping up to the challenge and we'll see how it goes. I am going to make this work!

Take care!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Grateful Heart

I've been following a very inspiring story the last several months. Shay Kelley has been traveling to all 50 states, living in her truck and collecting canned goods and socks for the homeless. She has such an amazing attitude about everything and she just keeps putting one foot in front of the other. In addition to her website & facebook, I've been receiving her tweets and I'm just blown away by this young woman.

She took a negative experience in her life and decided to use it for the benefit of others. She's reaching out to a segment of our community that most of us hide from. I know I've been guilty of that, myself. Shay keeps talking about being grateful for all that she has and that spreading love is the number 1 priority in her life.

As I read her blog and her tweets, I discover something about myself...I'm not nearly as grateful as I should be. I have a home, I have food on the table and most importantly, my son is healthy and happy. Yes, my life has taken some twists and turns that I never expected it, yes, I struggle with money (but I am realizing that is a position that I'm putting myself in....I hear Dave Ramsey in my head telling me to grow up and act my wage!!), but we don't go hungry...we're not cold at night and the list goes on and on.

Why then do I tend to freak out about things when I know that the important stuff is under control and God is going to take care of us? I tend to try to control everything around me and I know that I should just leave it all up to God, but why do I keep trying to take control of things? I think God is still trying to teach me patience and Faith. Maybe I keep him chuckling because that is something he has to repeatedly teach me.

Hugs to all!!

Monday, September 13, 2010


I have the sweetest friends. My friend, Mindy, took this picture Saturday at Drew's first soccer game. Isn't it adorable!!! Thank you Mindy. Love ya!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Articles & Comments

I am always reading the news, then I usually make the mistake of reading the comment section at the end. I've learned something through this process....there are a lot of angry people in the world. Well, at least, that is how it seems.

Some people think I'm a "bleeding heart liberal" and others think I just let people walk all over me. I don't believe either is correct. I try very hard not to judge people because I'm not "walking in their shoes," (a quote from one of my all time favorite books, To Kill a Mockingbird). I have no idea how I would respond to the challenges and issues they are facing, heck, I don't have a clue as to what they are facing.

The reason I bring this up is that I just read an article in CNN about Angline Jolie and the work she is doing for Pakistan. That country has been devastated by floods. Many of the comments people left were horrible. Why are so many people so mean? That is something I don't understand and hopefully, I never will. Now, don't get me wrong, I can and do get very mad about certain things and I do have strong opinions on certain subjects, but I have a pretty good understanding of who feels like I do and who doesn't. Just because someone doesn't share all the same view points, doesn't mean I can't learn from them and they can't learn from me.

Ok, I'm going to get off my soap box. Sorry!


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Striving for independence!

Drew has really started showing his independence lately. One the one hand, I'm thrilled! I love watching him grow and develop. It is such an amazing experience and I find that I'm learning right along with him. On the other hand, it is sad. My little boy is growing up!!! I remember the first time I held him and he was so tiny. I can't believe that's been over 6 years ago.

Another downside/challenge in Drew's quest for independence is his constant need to question me and everything I say. In fact, last night, I told Drew that X was going to happen and that he just needed to trust me. He said, "So, I'm just supposed to believe everything you say??"

I was stunned. It got me thinking, how the heck do I respond to that. I don't want him to blindly trust anyone and everyone. I want him to find his own way and discover his own viewpoints/beliefs. I know there are people in the world that I don't want Drew listening to, much less trusting. What do I do?? How do I explain all this to a 6 year old??

Sometimes, I feel so way out of my league as a parent. I think I'm making it up as I go along.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The cycle of Life...

It's been an interesting week at my house. Drew came home, I took off work and then I had to go back to work and Drew went back to his dad's house (we're back on the routine). We were also gearing up for another year of school....kindergarten take #2! I feel that this is going to be an awesome year for Drew. His teacher asked if he was going to be a leader in her class to help the other kids and he said, "yes!" He's looking forward to helping the others out and having Mrs. D. again. She is wonderful and I'm so thankful that he got her again.

Things were going great and looking up and then reality shows up to bite me in the rear. My little pug, Liberty died on Saturday. Actually, I had to have her put down, but I'm not explaining that to a 6 year old. So, Dan and I told Drew that Liberty died at the vet, and that's the truth, she did. Since Drew was with his daddy, I told him on Sunday that she died. I was dreading that conversation. We cried and we talked about Liberty, but I know that he will come to terms with it and that it's a part of life. Of course, this morning, Drew looked at me and said, "Mom, let's not tell my friends at school about Liberty dieing, I don't want to make them sad." I had to work really hard at not crying at that one. Drew is such a compassionate little soul. I am so honored to be his mommy.

That's it for this one.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Going back to work...to relax!

Well, I've had a wonderful 3 days off work to hang out with the Drew-man. We swam, played, played, and played some more. We also had one day that I had my triplets, so that was fun. (The triplets consist of Drew and 6 year old twin girls.....they look like triplets!)

One day, Drew and I were hanging out playing and a commercial came on for a dating site like e-harmony and Drew (without missing a beat....) looks at me and says, "Mom, you're too old to date." I looked at him and then just cracked up. I haven't even mentioned anything about dating to him and I have NO idea where that came from.

I don't think I'm too old to date! :-)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

out of the mouths of kiddos....

I think I've mentioned it, but I've been doing some "home projects" around the house (and it's not just the cleaning projects, I've been fixing things...). Well, one of the projects I did was remove a broken ceiling fan from my bedroom and reinstalled the original light fixture. Drew was home that weekend and he was helping me out with it. He picked up a screwdriver and started "working" on a part that was on the floor. Then he looked at me and said, "Mom, I just loving screwing."

I about fell off the ladder.

Someday, I'll be able to really embarrass him with this one.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Random musings...

There are a few blogs that I following regularly (ok, maybe obsessive is a better word). The first one is by a single mom of 6, Mom2my6pack. She is hysterical!! She also has a book out and I keep thinking, if I send my copy to her, would she sign it for me?? Anyway, she has now gotten me hooked on this other blogger, Spuds, and he's a single dad of 6. (BTW, they are friends!) I've been reading stuff from both of them and it really makes me feel like I can do this. I mean, I only have 1 kid, they have 6, EACH!!! Anyway...check them out...like I said, you'll laugh so hard you'll cry!

My other favorite blogger is my buddy, Mindy. She is the one that did my awesome banner for me and she has watched Drew on several occasions. She also takes great pictures...she's done pictures for me last year and I'm going to have her do some again later this year.

Just thought I would share!!
God Bless!

Friday, August 6, 2010


I now have an awesome banner...thanks to my buddy, Mindy Brownlee!!! Thank you SO much!! I think it is awesome!! By the way, Mindy took all the pictures that are in the banner. She is a great photographer!! Hugs & Love ya!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

9 days and counting...

Drew is going to be home next Saturday....9 days and counting! I am so ready for that little guy to be home, but I'm also thrilled that he's had such a great time with his daddy. I can't believe that he'll be back in kindergarten in about two weeks...where has the summer gone??

I have used the time to accomplish some major projects around the house...and I'm still not done. I've been going through closets, cabinets, etc. cleaning out stuff and getting rid of a ton of stuff. You know, it is embarrassing all the crap that I've accumulated over the years. Of course, some stuff is easier to donate than other stuff. My dad recently gave me a couple of trash bags full of some of my mom's stuff and I've been avoiding working on the closet that stuff is in. I don't want to get rid of it, because it was my mom's, but on the other hand, it's not doing anyone any good sitting at the bottom of my closet. I know my mom would want someone to get some good use out of it. I know the right opportunity will come up for that one.

That's it for this one. God Bless you all!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Push over Mom

I've realized something, I'm a push over mom. I'm trying not to be, but that little boy of mine has me wrapped around his finger. Take our mornings for example, he wants to stay home with me. He keeps whining about it and there are times when I'm so tempted to say the heck with work, I'm taking a mental health day and staying home with my little guy. Of course, then I remember I have bills to pay and a child to feed and being the responsible adult/parent wins. There are times when I want that responsible adult/parent to go on vacation.

On the other hand, I think I'm making progress with my budget. It's only been a year that I've been working on it, I'm a little slow with some things. oopppssss.... I guess it's better late than never. At least, that is my story and I'm sticking to it.


Monday, July 5, 2010

Life, take 2

I've looked over my last blog entry and boy, was it a little depressing. However, there are times when that is exactly how I feel and I'm trying not to apologize for my feelings any more. I've started reading several blogs/pages and they all say the same thing, you need to be honest with yourself. Sometimes, I just put a smile on my face and pretend everything is ok, because that is easier than dealing with the issues. But, that is not a realistic way to go through life.

Anyway, on a lighter note, we had a birthday party for Drew this past Friday and boy, was it a hoot. That little guy is something, let me tell you. I am so blessed to have him in my life and to have the opportunity to be a parent. It's amazing. Of course, I know my mother is up in heaven laughing hysterically at the things I'm going through with Drew. She always said revenge would be grandkids. :-)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Sometimes, I just need to cry. You know. I have so many people telling me that I'm doing such a great job, that Drew is doing great and that everything is going to be ok. Well, you know what, there are times when I don't think I'm doing a great job and when all I want to do is crawl in a hole and cry my eyes out. I want to cry so hard and for so long that it makes me sick. Just get it out and then start over.

Being a single parent is like running an obstacle course. You never know what is coming up next.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


You know, if someone was eavesdropping on my conversations with Drew, one of two things would happen.....1) wonder what the heck was going on.... or 2) laugh so hard they would miss the rest of the conversation.

Take, for example, our conversation last night, while I was trying to get him in the tub....

Me: Drew, you need to get in the tub.
Drew: Wait, mommy, I need to go potty. I've gots lots of poop that needs to come out.
Me: Oh, you do?
Drew: Yes, I've been eating and eating and the poop has gone all through my body getting all the rest of the poop and now it needs to come out. But, why do I pee when I'm trying to poop??

Then we're off and running on peeing.

Life is never dull.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Trying to help....

Ok, I'm one year into the Single Momville and I have to tell you, it's been a journey. I've been reading and reading, trying to find ideas/ways in which to help Drew and myself. I'm also working really hard at getting my finances under control and let me tell you, that is a learning process. I've discovered that I'm very much like a little child in that I hate telling myself no. I know I need to do it, so I'm working on it. I have to tell Drew no, so it's only right that I tell myself no as well. Anyway, again, it's been a journey. ;-)

That was a little segment into what I have been thinking about a lot lately and that is helping others. I'm really into following tweets and blogs and CNN got me hooked onto http://www.shaykelley.com/ She is an amazing woman and is traveling to all 50 states to collect canned goods for the homeless. She posts stories and pictures on her blog, tweeter and facebook and I have to tell you, it's an eye opening experience. She started this journey after she lost her job and her house. Instead of feeling sorry for herself, she decided to do something to help others. I'm realizing that I need to do something like that as well. God never gives us something that we can't handle (although, sometimes I think He has more faith in me than I do!) and one way to deal with all the emotions of change is to help others. So, I'm looking around trying to find out what I can do and the one thing that is really calling my attention right now is the oil spill. I'm looking into volunteer opportunities in/around Galveston so that I can go one weekend and help out. Even thinking about that gets your mind off your own problems.

Well, that is my rant for now. I'm going to try to be better about updating my blog.

Take care!